Thursday, May 4, 2017

Hoping For a Better Indonesia

Lately, every news feed I see on Facebook is either about Ahok vs Anies (after Anies won the election), or about conflict of religion. The main purpose of me keeping a blog is for history keeping, like a time capsule, it is written with a hope that when I read it years from now, I could laugh at all the funny stories or be glad that the world is getting better than back then.

Reading all those news, I still can't get my mind to understand the way Anies followers think. Actually, forget that, I don't get how Anies actually thinks. Like yesterday, there was news saying he's reported a guy who claimed his 0% home deposit program is for a chicken coop. I mean, come on...

The other popular news is about Moslem radicalism in Indonesia. There was news about school kids rejecting the student head due to different religion, kids on the street asking their friends'religion and refusing to play with kids who don't have same religion as them, and don't forget about the tactic they used to make people vote for Anies. It was using religion too. Mind you, our country's ideology is diversity, and there are 6 legally recognised religions.

I can't believe I thought Anies was a good guy. I was happy when he was made the minister of education. Oh well, I guess this is what they mean with wolf covered in wool.

The other day, the labourer had demonstration to raise their pay. Guess what their first demand was? To have the you in hall cleared off the flowers that were sent by Jakarta people to say thanks for what Ahok and Jarot did the last few years! What does that have to do with you?! That's clearly jealousy and child's play. Then, they took those flowers and burnt them. Then the rain fell, and they took the other flowers and used them as cover. Huh?? Weren't you so disgusted by them so you burnt them? And then hang on, it rained, so just take some for cover?

I'm speechless 😑

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