Tuesday, July 26, 2016

I Was Sick Last Week

Enak ya bobo 8 jam on weekdays XD this is one of my rambling post by the way. I don't know if there would be any point in this one lol

I was sick last week. To be exact it was more than a week. It started on Fri the week before, I woke up with really really dry throat. I thought, it's definitely going to be a cough for sure. And yep, I started coughing and had sore throat too because of it. It wasn't that bad that day, I even joked to Crown Prince when he asked me if I was getting sick. I said dunno, but I hope it comes on Monday, not on my weekend! And don't tell Superexcited! He was like yeah yeah sure, that's human nature, I understand ;)

That night was Turkieto's last night in Sydney, so we went to have dinner together. The plan was hotpot since it was freaking cold! But since the restaurant we went in only had hotpot buffet, and it was $40 a head!!! What the heck??? Hot pot $40 a head is really a rip of!! So we changed the plan and had the spicy stir fry wok. That is still spicy. We also ordered some spicy beef and tribes slices cold dish and some grilled lamb skewers. That night I was ok.

Saturday and Sunday the cough got worse. I mostly stayed home, keep warm, and watched what I ate. But on Sunday night it really was bad. My mum nagged me not to go to work on Monday.

I was sick, yes. But the problem is, I don't get sick often. I also didn't have a fever. So apart from coughing my throat out, I actually felt fine. But yeah with that kind of cough, people on the train surely will give me death stare :l what I mean is, kl itu hari2 biasa, kayanya sih aku bakalan masuk senennya. Tp secara pas itu Jumat aku lg super bete sm kantorrrrr (refer ke post sebelonnya), so alhasil aku keukeuh mau di rumah aja hari senen *peace sign* mamaku jg, dia ngotot gitu suru aku gak masuk, pdhl biasanya sih terserah2 aja. Yah, dia jg bete abis kuceritain soalnya hahahahhaa.... Now u know where I got my character right? :P

I went to GP on Monday. I woke up like 5 times last night coz of the cough. Damn oz doctor, soooooooooo not wanting to give patients medicine unless it's really really bad! He said I've got cold and there's nothing he could prescribe me with. He said it was viral and antibiotics won't work. Just have some lozenges and sip lemon water every 10 minutes. I think my jaw must have dropped, coz he looked at me and said "I'm so sorry..." And he only gave me 1 day medical certificate -_-

At the end of the day the cough was the same and I got runny/blocked nose. My mum nagged me again to not come in the next day. I said to her, "Bukannya mama biasanya bilang, kalo dulu sih pas mama buka toko, paling sebel kalo pegawai bolos berhari2??" :P Dia nyengir and bilang, "Ya... Abis mama jg kesel" hauahahhahahah XD

The next day I called in sick and I went to different doctor this time. It starts to bugging me now coz last night I woke up every freaking hour!! (I checked my mobile every time I woke up). Luckily this time the doctor gave me antibiotics. He said I've got infection. Yeah of course, after coughing for whole day yesterday, surely it would have hurt something! And cough syrup. And this doctor told me to rest 2 more days yay! ^^

So I didn't go to work for 2 days, then I came in on Thu. I thought I felt alright, but as the day goes, I cough even more. Fri I came to work, but I coughed even worse and by 12, Water tap couldn't take it anymore.

Water tap: "You shouldn't have come today."
Me: "I was alright in the morning"
Water tap: "Oh.. yeah, must be the aircon. Just go home. Go to Lao-er and say you don't feel well and go home."
Me: "Oh? No, it's ok, it's just a cough"
Water tap: "No, I'm serious! There's nothing urgent to be done here anyway. Just go to him and ask."

I saw he was serious, so I told Creamer which he approved right away. I haven't even told him why and he ok it. I guess it's obvious then?

So yep, only came to work 1.5 days last week. On Thursday, they were talking about meeting on Friday. And I was like, "Oh? Already Fri? So fast!!" XD and everyone was like, "Of course it's fast! You didn't even come for the whole week! You only came today!".


Sunday, July 17, 2016

What Business Are We In By The Way??

Kadang aku heran ya, katanya kita in Motivation Business -> why the hell am I using caps there??? Can't believe I'm typing using bawel's typing style ughhhhhhhhhh... anyway, katanya kita in motivation business, mbok ya konsisten gitu lho and motivate your own employee gitu, bukannya demotivating us????

Contoh ya, inget kan soal kontrak 3 bulan lalu yg mereka suru semua pegawai sign, buat bikin kita2 kasi notice kl mau quit 1 bulan kalo kita uda kerja 1 taon, 2 bulan kalo uda kerja 2 taon, or 3 bulan kalo uda kerja 3 taon ke atas? Setelah kurang lebih 3 bulanan mereka lupa, kayanya si bawel ingetin bosku n 1 bos laen lagi deh. Jadinya, one day....

Si Red Head br performance review, feedbacknya positive banget and katanya bakalan naek gaji. Tp 1-2 minggu kemudian, si Poker Face tau2 nyamperin si Red Head.

Poker Face: I was just chasing Lao-Er about your raise, and he mentioned that you haven't signed the contract yet... I'd love to give you a raise, I'm on your side. I just want this to be sorted... bla bla bla bla.... ya intinya loe belon naek gaji soalnya loe belon sign contract.
Red Head: I don't think it's fair for someone junior like me to give 2++ months notice to quit.
Poker Face: Please think about it and get back to me and Lao Er.
Red Head: Lao Er mentioned that I don't have to give the full notice period if I've already got a job, but that isn't in the contract.
Poker Face: I understand.... but if it's in there then it would make the new contract the same as the old one...

See? Demotivating kan? Tiap hari berkoar2 soal success of a company depends on the employees, kita musti motivate employees supaya mrk kerjanya jg makin ok and bikin company makin sukses. Kenyataannya? Yah itu buat company org donk, kl buat sendiri mah laen cerita. Kl buat sendiri mah, ikettttt selama kita masi butuh, kalo bisa suru tanda tangan buat kerja seumur idup, tp kalo uda ga butuh, tiap hari bikin bete aja smp akhirnya keluar sendiri. Sorry deh, aku sendiri Asian, tp serasa kerja sama Asians man...

The funny thing was, pas sehari sesudahnya, si Red Head sakit, beneran sakit, bukannya bolos, dia emang ternyata agak2 penyakitan, jd normal buat dia tau2 sakit. Bosku kepikiran lolllll dia nanya ke temen si Red Head, dia beneran sakit ato ada alesan laen? HUHAUAHHAHUAHAHAAHAHAA sukurinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn XD And the next day wkt Red Head masuk kantor, si Poker Face lgs samperin dia, dia bilang dia bakalan tetep naek gaji regardless of the contract issue, Dia bilang, "I didn't want you to think that we were pressuring you". Hell right you weren't, wong dia pretty much bilang we'd love to give you a raise, but yeah you haven't signed the contract, so please sign so we can give you a raise. Gitu kan kasarnya?? Ampun dah. Dia pikir org2 bego apa -__-

Uda gitu ya, yg aku lagi sebel, kantor kita tuh tiap 3 bulan ada penghargaan buat pegawai teladan gituan lahhhhh periode terakhir kmrn br diumumin and aku gak dapet. Gendek sih, secara aku uda kerja keras 3 bulan terakhir. Honestly, aku uda rada nyerah sih dr brp taon lalu. Abis gimana coba, masa aku ga dpt2 lagi dari maybe 4 taon lalu, terus abis 2 taon baru dpt 1, itu juga bukannya pas period aku ngerasa kerja keras. Aku inget pas aku dpt dl, aku mikirnya cuma, "About time." Abis dr sana, smp skg aku ga pernah dpt lagi. Brp kl taon lalu aku pikir bakalan dapet, eh ga dapet juga, to the point aku uda mikir, udalah, uda diblacklist ga bakal dpt lg, so don't bother trying next time. I stayed true to that the period before last, bodo amat deh, ga ada kerja keras kerja keras apaan juga, krj biasa aja lah, enjoy ur time.

Tp 3 bulan terakhir tuh i had no choice man. Si manager pegi pacaran ke London, terus kmrn itu mudik ke bombay juga tunangan, kita jg baru launch 1 website yg oh my godddddd brief tuh ya either almost non-existent, or bisa ada berapa dokumen and gak jelas musti ikutin yg mana. Kl ikutin yg ini, aku diomelin dibilang pake dokumen onoooooo jangan iniiiii, tar laen kali aku cuekin dokumen ini, and pake dokumen ono, diomelin lageeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dibilang knp ikutin dokumen ini???? kl aku bilang lah kan wkt itu dibilang yg dokumen ini ngaco, jgn diikutin, aku diomelin lagi, dibilang beda kasus ya beda beda lahhhhhhhhhhh WOOOOOOOOIIIIIIII how do i know??????? dia jg ga bilang2???? and emang aku apaan bisa inget kl sales pake dokumen ini, kalo marketing pake ono, kl advertising pake ini, dll dll, kenapa ga update aja itu dokumen, apus2in yg gak bener???????????? Belon lagi itu project managernya yg nggak banget deh management skillnya, super micro management and super fucking annoying mannnnn, bingung deh bisa ada org kaya begituan -_- Uda 3 bawahan dia at least yg minta pindah duduk dr depan meja dia soalnya gak tahan being watched like a hawk. Not my word. His own word in the email yg gak sengaja kekirim ke bawahan dia instead of ke boss (dia mau ngadu ceritanya).

Anyway long story short, it wasn't my choice to work hard last qtr, but I still did my best and I still maintained my quality of code ya. Gak cuma asal copy paste biar cepet aje. Kemaren itu aku liat code si little missy, ya ampun nengggggggg, coding bok ya jangan copy paste 5 kali and cm ganti where ajaaaaaa.... gpp deh kl itu table cm 100 records or 1000 juga gpp dehhhhh, wong ini millions of records gitu lho, gak heran lama bener itu page ngeload -_- yg beresin sopo? ME! Belon lagi aku musti baca codenya sendiri n figure out itu code ngapain sebenernya (managers sibuk, ga sempet jelasin isi itu code ngapain).

And where's the appreciation? 0 besar.

Kemaren itu aku ada bilang si manager pas dia ngeledek soal aku cancel lunch rame2 buat ditraktir little missy (i'm honest ya, so what i say in here is the truth and only the truth, aku lagi sakit leher kmrn itu, and uda janji makan di pub sebelah, which u know lah makanana pub gorengan semua, bisa jadi apa tenggorokanku ntar?? jd ya aku cancel lah. Eh pas si little missy menang itu penghargaan, and seperti biasa, aku dgn ga tau malunya malak traktir lunch. Bodo. Aku uda sebel ga dapet, at least aku dpt makan gratis wekkk plus aku berani jamin si little missy dpt itu penghargaan, dikit banyak aku jg ada andil di situ pasti). Anyway si manager intinya ambil kesimpulan kalo aku cancel gara2 mau traktiran. So aku bales, just drop it, I'm still dissapointed aku ga dpt itu penghargaan, so don't rub it in. Dia bales, iya, gw uda perkirain you'd feel that way. I wanted to give you a heads up yesterday, I know you've been trying and working hard, you're almost there, I appreciate your effort bla bla bla... Again, aku itu jujur orgnya, so I said yes I'm disappointed, I did a lot this qtr. Terus dia bales bilang, "Don't be too disappointed, I remember I worked really hard one quarter and I didn't get it, I was really disappointed. But then another qtr I got it even when I had annual leave". Now, hold it there.

Kita itu kerja di bisnis apa ya anak2?? Motivation Business buuuuuuu. Terus, supaya pegawai bisa motivated, musti kapan ya good worknya direcognise?? Right there and then buuuu. Kenapa ya?? Soalnya kalo uda kelamaan uda basi buuuu, gak ngefek lagiii...bisa backfire malah. See? and really aku uda kelamaan di sini man, aku kerja di IT, tp kenapa bisa tau segala macem ginian instead of angular, mvc, nodeJS etc etc????? Remember what I said was in my mind wkt aku dpt itu penghargaan 1.5 years ago? "About time". I wasn't ecstatic. "About time" was exactly how I felt. I should have got that sooner. Robin Hood had same experience. 1 period dia kerja setengah mati and gak dapet, next period dia gak gitu kerja gimana and dia dpt, you know what she said? "When I got it, I was furious! You didn't give it to me when I worked so hard, why are you giving it to me now???" In my case now, aku mustinya uda dpt 2x at least in the last 1.5 years -__-

Also, si manager blg Almost there? aku uda kerja segitu keras masi dibilang almost there??? When you want to motivate people, you set them targets. Reasonable targets. Not too low, not too high, it has to be reachable so people don't get put off and just give up from the beginning. Honestly aku ngerasa targetku uda not reachable anymore and i should just not give a damn about it. Lebih repot kl itu target ga diannounce. Hmm.... remind me again kenapa kita taro targets and results di clients websites, bolak balik kirim email suru pegawai mereka login, buat apa ya coba??

What business are we in again? Why is it different for your own employees??? Tell me why.

Friday, July 8, 2016


I was cleaning my room and I came across an overheard clip I got from mX. Oh how I missed mX overheard.... so here we go..

Guy: "Girls always think it's hot when you put 'ladies' at the end of a sentence. Like, I'm going to the bathroom - ladies."

Girl: "What's in my food, man?"
Friend: "MSG"
Girl: "Is that like, OMG?"

Guy 1: "That thing on the wall looks like it's reflecting."
Guy 2: "That's coz it's a mirror."

Girl to friend: "She's litery the dumbest girl I know... wait, is that right? Litery?"
Friend: "I think you just took the crown."

Girl to friend: "My Biggest Loser diet was going great 'til I got real baked and ate, like three bag of chips."

Man: "We must be walking slowly because that pregnant woman just passed us."
Friend: "Yeah? Well she has an extra set of legs."

Taken from mX - 12 May 2010.

But I bet even if mX still exists nowadays, people won't be able to send many of these as we're always on our earphones :/