Now, onto the second case. There is this colleague in another department, just call her GI Jane. GI Jane is also a loyal employee, and if you ask my colleagues, they all will say she is one of the best employee the company ever have. She has been here for 5++ years, but starting 2 years ago has been thinking about leaving. Which is normal, for her been working here for ages.
However, as usual when someone tries to leave, super excited would try to do anything to keep that person. He then created this completely new role for GI Jane, tailored to what GI Jane has interest in doing, so she stayed. For the past year she's been working hard with all these important but boring stuffs. However, those were all internal stuff, not client work. Now that all the internal stuff has been completed, she doesn't have much to do. Remember I said the company is in bad shape now? Long story short, she doesn't have things to do.
She expressed her intention to leave some time ago, and just like the previous guy I mentioned, she didn't have anything lined up yet. Super excited and poker face helped her with her resume, introducing her to recruitment agents, passing her resume to their connections, etc. Pretty impressive huh? I was thinking, wow they really are very nice, surely they love her very much! Then things started to go down, down, down (just like Coles ads lol).
One day GI Jane realized, super excited hasn't been talking to her in a week! Maybe you think well bosses don't talk much to employees anyway. Nope nope, super excited can not stop talking to anyone. Sometimes I even wonder, how come he never lost his voice??? If it were me, after talking as much as his quota everyday, I would definitely have no voice in 2 days! Ok, 3 days top. So when GI Jane told me about it, I knew something must be going on.
Apparently he was unhappy with GI Jane because she hasn't been updating him with her job hunting progress -_-" he came to Lao-Er to whinge about it -_-"" and his office with GI Jane is only few doors apart -_-""" yep, instead of just come up to her asking how is your job hunting going?? He was sulking all week and then complained to Lao-Er behind her back. HM.. wait the minute... That's something I usually do!! This is what I am currently doing! And sorry, but as a girl I have the right to do this. Girls gossip, whinge and bitch, not guys, and certainly not bosses -_-"""" now that I think about it again, sulking all week, not talking, and then complained to someone else, that really sounds like me when I'm upset with my bestie :/
After Lao-Er advised her to talk to him and give him updates periodically, she went up to super excited in the morning. But once she started apologizing (i didn't agree to her to use word 'apologize', made it sound so big a deal), super excited cut her off saying "I don't have time for this!". But then proceeded with a 10 minutes lecture about how he felt he's been giving again and again and again and doesn't get anything back. That's his definition of not having time. Right... -_-"
This is really getting too long, let's move on to part 3.
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